Saturday March 15, 2025 3:00pm - 4:15pm CDT
Wonderhunt is the simple act of intentionally looking for wonder in an effort to reawaken your heart. Kim Kotecki discovered wonderhunting in the midst of a challenging season in her life, as she found herself balancing motherhood (with three kids ages five and under) while balancing a career she loved. She found that looking for wonder and capturing the beauty through (simple) photography helped her reclaim peace and joy amidst the high demands of her life. It was a scavenger hunt for her soul. 

Several years and hundreds of photos later, Kim is grateful to share the rejuvenating experience with others. Through this session Kim will share more about this healing practice, which will give you new tools to be more present in the moment, see life with new eyes of hope, find the miraculous in the mundane, and reawaken your soul in a way that changes everything.
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Kim Kotecki

Co-Founder, Escape Adulthood
Kim Kotecki is the other co-founder of Escape Adulthood. She manages the communication, calendar, travel arrangements, and all sorts of important details that have to do with Jason’s speaking engagements and the Escape Adulthood Summit. Kim co-conspires with Jason on all the big... Read More →
Saturday March 15, 2025 3:00pm - 4:15pm CDT
Ziock Ballroom A

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